About me

Software Engineer, Open Source Contributor, Blogger

Hey there! 👋

My name is Dino Kupinic (as you might have guessed) and I'm a software engineer from Austria. I'm currently pursuing a high school diploma in information technology and network technology.

I enjoy building full-stack applications and working with modern technologies. I'm always looking for new things to learn and improve on. I also enjoy playing video games, listening to music, watching movies/shows or reading books.

Right now I'm working on a few projects, which you can find on my GitHub. Machine Learning and LLMs (Large Language Models) are my current focus, but I'm also working on a few web applications. I'm also writing blog posts about things I learn and find interesting.

This Website

I built this website because I wanted to have a place where I can showcase my projects, write blog posts and share a little bit about myself on the internet. Building this website was a fun experience, and I learned a lot about web development in the process. Though it's not perfect, I'm happy with the result, and I'm looking forward to improving it in the future.


I got inspired by the design of Vercel and Next.js. I wanted to build something similar, but with my own twist. Thanks to shadcn for the awesome component library, which I used as a base for my website.

Tech Stack

While I'm not going to list every single package I used, I want to highlight a few that I found particularly useful. Fun fact: I actually removed a lot of packages that I initially used because I decided against using a server and database. This website is now completely static!

Main Technologies:

  • Nuxt: main framework for building the website
    • @nuxt/content: for writing blog posts
    • @nuxt/fonts: for loading fonts
    • @nuxt/image: for optimizing images
    • @nuxtjs/color-mode: for dark mode
    • @nuxtjs/seo: for SEO
    • @vueuse/nuxt: vue utilities
    • nuxt-icon: for icons
  • Shiki: syntax highlighting (included in @nuxt/content)
  • TypeScript: for type safety
  • Tailwind CSS: my preferred styling library
  • shadcn-vue: component library
  • Vercel: free hosting
  • Git/GitHub: source control


  • Figma: design
  • eslint: linting
  • prettier: code formatting
  • octokit: GitHub API
  • date-fns: date formatting